When D&I will stand for Deeds & Inspirations and we will not even need to talk about hashtag Diversity&Inclusion anymore, only then we will be able to say we succeeded in being on the right track of respect, open minds and emotional intelligence; focused on what brings us as individuals and organisations daily forward and not stagnate or even decline in the sense of compassion, humanity, growth and success.
• Minorities and excluded are the strongest individuals because they/we are, each of them/us fighters for right, inclusion and voice and so extra engaged, passionate and courageous.
• Being quiet, step back and simply wait for better karma or timing doesn’t help. Being silent about things that matter is the official end of humanity.
• Only when you feel on your own skin how it feels to be excluded, ignored or bullied you can become truly aware of the pain, frustrations and even trauma that such people are going through. Recognising our own subconscious bias (+ getting rid them) is the first step.
• Empathy is NOT ENOUGH! It is only a start. COMPASSION counts utmost. Because what we feel and say is not enough. It is what we DO about it that counts.
Great 2 days of ideas and practices sharing and networking at the Inclusion 19 seminar. Great to meet and talk with same minded people, full of inspiration, optimism, enthusiasm and hope for better future in the sense of equality and respect.