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I love going curiously off-road and let life surprise me
Planned Coincidences
I plan to have a great day every morning and let the coincidences take me their way.
Planet Earth back to the Planet Earth
When someone’s own pants are on fire, earthquakes are shaking home walls, everything is flooded or blown away ... everyone suddenly...
Ethics, Integrity, Love and Good
The opponent of LOVE is not hate, it’s FEAR. The opponent of GOOD is not evil, it’s FEAR. The opponent of ETHICS is not immorality, it’s...
Be Your Unique Self
🙃 YOU have to make YOUR own WAY. 🙃 Create YOUR own VISION. 🙃 READ different BOOKS than most read. 🙃 Go for YOUR own version of...
Language of the Nature
We speak over 6500 languages, but the language of nature is understood only by a few. Those who speak to trees, animals or waters, look...
Gluttony and Overconsumption
🤝💕 🌎"Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them." - Dalai Lama Behind...
Goodbye, Terry Jones
"I'm cheerfully optimistic about life. Optimism is very important!" - Terry Jones A great foot stamped on my role model of humor and life...
Go All The Way
🚀 WHAT MATTERS MOST IS HOW WELL YOU WALK THROUGH THE FIRE! 🔥🤸♀️ For startups and entrepreneurs who follow their calling and purpose....
Do Not Tolerate Brilliant Jerks
"Do not tolerate brilliant jerks. The cost to teamwork is too high." - Reed Hastings, CEO Netflix Brilliant jerks decrease morale and...
Taking care of our planet and environment starts with care of our own mental health, mental health of others and of organisations....
What Makes YOU Happy? Whatever it is - SHARE IT!
Technological singularity should be built by happy people who are focused on and do great things. Mean, Ego driven and harmful people are...
Easter nature unfolding
Nature unfolds and expands by itself - naturally. Our lives unfold and expand with our courage. And shrink with fear. So do our hearts...
D&I as Deeds&Inspirations
When D&I will stand for Deeds & Inspirations and we will not even need to talk about hashtag Diversity&Inclusion anymore, only then we...
Black Hole
By the comparison of the M87 black hole we look a bit ridiculous. Or are we? It should open eyes to everyone; help us seeing our...
Summer Mode around Lago di Como
When we switch to summer time and the sun is shining like it wants to win the planetary Olympics, then even the world winning pessimists...
Becoming Myself
I have outgrown things, some recently, some decades ago. I have outgrown people who does not except the rebel and fighter for better in...
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